
Mayıs, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Canva Canva  is a  graphic design  platform that allows users to create  social media  graphics,  presentations ,  posters  and other visual content. It is available on web and mobile, and integrates millions of images, fonts, templates and illustrations  Here is my simple canva :)
Kahoot Here is my kahoot link https://create.kahoot.it/share/benim-kahoot/41696b37-e36a-44f5-9d76-1d603ebe0d14
ThingLink specializes in what it calls “in-image interaction tools”, and from today web publishers, brands, bloggers…anyone with a desire to upload images to a website, can use this new functionality. Rich media tags have so far been developed for the likes of Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Spotify, Vimeo, Wikipedia, SoundCloud and Twitter. And this tagging can be used to enrich the story behind anything from a promotional flyer or photograph, to a branded product or piece of artwork  Here is my link: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1323602943311609857
SECOND LIFE İt is an virtual app that transforms us into wherever we want let's give an example Become a Landlord Renting virtual land to tenants can be a very lucrative business – one Second Life landlord was even featured on the cover of Businessweek as  “Second Life’s First Millionaire”
TPACK and SAMR Classroom ICT integration in Tanzania: Opportunities and challenges from the perspectives of TPACK and SAMR models Patrick Kihoza, Irina Zlotnikova, Joseph Bada, Khamisi Kalegele International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 12 (1), 2016 With the education systems demand of contemporary technologies, teacher trainees should be imparted with competencies and skills to integrate information and communication technology (ICT) into their future teaching and learning practices. This study assessed classroom ICTs integration opportunities and the challenges in relation to Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) and SAMR (Substitute, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) models. The case study involved tutors and teacher trainees (N= 206) from teacher training colleges. Results indicated that, majority of respondents have low pedagogical ICT competencies. However, tutors exhibited good knowledge level in all TPAC
Vidcast via voki http://tinyurl.com/ya9f28lv
AUGMENTED REALITY Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends right now, and it’s only going to get bigger as AR ready smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world. AR let us see the real-life environment right in front of us—trees swaying in the park, dogs chasing balls, kids playing soccer—with a digital augmentation overlaid on it. For example,  a pterodactyl might be seen landing in the trees, the dogs could be mingling with their cartoon counterparts, and the kids could be seen kicking past an alien spacecraft on their way to score a goal. With advances in AR technology, these examples are not that different from what might already be available for your smartphone. Augmented reality is, in fact, readily available and being used in a myriad of ways including as Snapchat lenses, in apps that help you find your car in a crowded parking lot, and in variety of shopping apps that let you try on clothes without even leaving home. Perh
 Virtual Reality Virtual reality  ( VR ) is a  simulated  experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.  Applications of virtual reality  can include entertainment (i.e.  video games ) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training). Other, distinct types of VR style technology include  augmented reality  and  mixed reality . Currently standard virtual reality systems use either  virtual reality headsets  or multi-projected environments to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual environment. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to look around the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual features or items. The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a  head-mounted display  with a small screen in front of the eyes, but can also be created through specially designed rooms with multiple large screens. Virtual reality
Busuu Hi everyone , today we will learn a very useful app 'Busuu'. I admit that it is a useful app but ı have never seen someone who has learnt a language through such apps. This app works in a way that helps gradually  to learn  a new language. However, this app allows us to learn a few languages at the same time but do not worry. I will upload a link through Which you can download the aşk with full access. https://androidoyun.club/2017/09/busuu-v11-4-521-mod-apk-tum-ozellikler-acik.html
My animation , via Toontastic. Directed by Turantino 😁 Have fun
Here is my seesaw link https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?share_token=ArLVy6eLTbGjLJkrzpEYRQ&prompt_id=prompt.ee889320-21e1-4e5d-a192-1a4b8d74b497
REVIEW OF MINDMEISTER hello everyone , today ı will show you a very useful app ,Mindmeister It is an app that used for capture,develop and share ideas visually MindMeister allows you to share your mind maps. With MindMeister's built-in presentation mode you turn mind maps into beautiful, dynamic slideshows within seconds. As soon as you're done you can export the slides as PNGs, embed the whole presentation on your website, or even broadcast it live to your collaborators online.
Hello everyone , here is my padlet link: https://padlet.com/ahmetturannacar/Bookmarks